Orbis Healthcare is a recruitment specialist company recruiting eligible and qualified Healthcare Assistants
We work according to the NHS requirements to maintain higher working standards and ensure that The client or candidate working with Orbis has complete authentication of the data provided by both clients as well as candidates.
We also ensure that the candidate interested in applying for a care practitioner job has the following documentation ready and updated.
The CV needs to be presented professionally for the decision-maker to analyze. We format & submit the CV to aid in faster decision-making.
Candidates must have references stating eligibility to work in healthcare. Positive feedback from previous managers is also verified.
DBS stands for Disclosure and Barring Services. We ensure that the candidate does not have any criminal past records.
We specialize in recruiting healthcare staff with a depth of medical knowledge, clinical skills and performance compassion.
Candidates with permanent residency in the UK are a priority. Documents are verified before they apply for any job.
Candidates must have references stating eligibility to work in healthcare. Positive feedback from previous managers is also verified.
We look for candidates who have not been involved in any violent activities and sexual offences against women, children or young adults.
We ensure that the person is medically fit to undergo their daily job roles. The test is conducted to monitor the physical health.
A valid Fitness to Practice certificate is required to work at Orbis Healthcare Recruitment to avoid any legal hassle.